One of the most powerful features of AWSInfo is the built-in filtering of resources. When working with the AWSCli you constantly have to copy the exact name of a resource to use in another command. This makes moving between different resources and details you want to see cumbersome.
AWSInfo has built-in filtering for many resources, making it very easy for you to find what you’re actually looking for.
To filter elements AWSInfo uses the --query
option from the AWSClI extensively. Results are therefore mostly not filtered on the AWS Backend, but on the developer machine after the request to AWS.
In the following example we have a list of CloudFormation Stacks.
○ → awsinfo cfn
| DescribeStacks |
| 1.Name | 2.Status | 3.CreationTime | 4.LastUpdated |
| basic-account-setup| CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-22T15:15:33.268Z | 2017-09-22T15:16:17.886Z |
| tslw-infrastructure| UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:03:22.774Z | 2017-10-08T18:50:57.129Z |
| tslw-frontend | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:03:22.774Z | 2017-10-08T18:50:57.129Z |
Now what if we only want to see stacks that contain tslw
. At the same time we’re lazy so we don’t even want to type all of tslw
and just type something that is unique.
○ → awsinfo cfn ts
| DescribeStacks |
| 1.Name | 2.Status | 3.CreationTime | 4.LastUpdated |
| tslw-infrastructure| UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:03:22.774Z | 2017-10-08T18:50:57.129Z |
| tslw-frontend | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:03:22.774Z | 2017-10-08T18:50:57.129Z |
AWSInfo checks if the filters you’ve entered (yes it supports multiple filter terms) are in the Name field. Only Stacks that have all terms in the Name will be shown. So if we want to limit to infrastructure stacks only we could simply do the following:
○ → awsinfo cfn ts in
| DescribeStacks |
| 1.Name | 2.Status | 3.CreationTime | 4.LastUpdated |
| tslw-infrastructure| UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:03:22.774Z | 2017-10-08T18:50:57.129Z |
The filtering mechanism makes it very easy and fast to get the exact resource you want to see out of a list.
Often you want to select one resource and show its subresources. An example would be a listing all the resources created for a CloudFormation stack. You simply provide filters in the same way as above and AWSInfo will at first get a list of the CloudFormation stacks, filter them with your parameters to get one stack (or select the first if multiple are found) and then select all the created resources for that stack.
○ → awsinfo cfn resources tsl
Selected Stack tslw-infrastructure
| ListStackResources |
| 1.LogicalId | 2.PhysicalId | 3.Type | 4.Status | 5.LastUpdated |
| DevelopmentTheserverlesswayComWebBucket | tslw-infrastructure-developmenttheserverlesswayco-upuwlm1zjw2 | AWS::S3::Bucket | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-10-08T18:33:49.211Z |
| DevelopmentTheserverlesswayComWebBucketPolicy| tslw-infrastructure-DevelopmentTheserverlesswayC-1T7Y2DIXGR0Q2 | AWS::S3::BucketPolicy | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-10-08T18:51:01.814Z |
| TheserverlesswayComBucketDistribution | E38MQE4HHAZURU | AWS::CloudFront::Distribution | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-27T14:54:26.866Z |
| TheserverlesswayComCertificate | arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:343826926861:certificate/5638626f-742c-47a7-9360-70df8a4d19cb | AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-26T14:10:15.306Z |
| TheserverlesswayComDistributionRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-27T10:51:13.920Z |
| TheserverlesswayComHostedZone | Z3RGV4GYUT2GEW | AWS::Route53::HostedZone | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:04:53.415Z |
| TheserverlesswayComMXRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:05:58.200Z |
| TheserverlesswayComRedirectBucketDistribution| E50AVSERL64BC | AWS::CloudFront::Distribution | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-27T14:54:29.587Z |
| TheserverlesswayComRedirectWebBucket | tslw-infrastructure-theserverlesswaycomredirectwe-1ie35l0gtega8 | AWS::S3::Bucket | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-26T15:31:46.561Z |
| TheserverlesswayComTXTRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-26T13:29:09.276Z |
| TheserverlesswayComWebBucket | tslw-infrastructure-theserverlesswaycomwebbucket-1cgcxavw8mthj | AWS::S3::Bucket | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-26T14:08:33.508Z |
| TheserverlesswayComWebBucketPolicy | tslw-infrastructure-TheserverlesswayComWebBucket-1P9LQZKX9T2SR | AWS::S3::BucketPolicy | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-26T15:10:51.721Z |
| WwwTheserverlesswayComDistributionRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-27T10:48:38.026Z |
Super easy and something you’ll use constantly.
If you have a large enough CloudFormation stack (and of course the same applies to any other service AWSInfo supports) the full list of resources might be a bit much to read. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to filter down sub-resources as well?
Many different commands allow you to split filters for the first and second resource with --
. In the following Example we want to see all stack resources that are a RecordSet
For CloudFormation stack resources AWSInfo matches against the LogicalId, PhysicalId and the Type. And because the match just has to be unique we don’t even have to write out RecordSet
but can simply write Rec Set
or any other unique combination.
○ → awsinfo-dev cfn resources tsl -- Rec Set
Selected Stack tslw-infrastructure
| ListStackResources |
| 1.LogicalId | 2.PhysicalId | 3.Type | 4.Status | 5.LastUpdated |
| TheserverlesswayComDistributionRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-27T10:51:13.920Z |
| TheserverlesswayComMXRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-25T13:05:58.200Z |
| TheserverlesswayComTXTRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-26T13:29:09.276Z |
| WwwTheserverlesswayComDistributionRecord | | AWS::Route53::RecordSet | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-09-27T10:48:38.026Z |
Check the documentation of each command if it supports subresource filtering. If it doesn’t yet please open an issue or PR or let me know on Twitter.