StackSet Diff

formica stack-set diff

The formica stack-set diff command compares the current local template against the deployed template in the stack-set. It works the same as formica diff.

root@61aaad32daf7:/app/docs/examples/s3-bucket# formica stack-set diff -s teststack
|                          Path                           |       From       |                To                |      Change Type      |
| Resources > DeploymentBucket > Properties               | Not Present      | {'BucketName': 'another-bucket'} | Dictionary Item Added |
| Resources > DeploymentBucket2 > Properties > BucketName | a-formica-bucket | a-bucket                         | Values Changed        |


usage: formica stack-set diff [-h] [--region REGION] [--profile PROFILE]
                              [--stack-set STACK-Set]
                              [--config-file CONFIG_FILE [CONFIG_FILE ...]]
                              [--parameters KEY=Value [KEY=Value ...]]
                              [--tags KEY=Value [KEY=Value ...]]
                              [--vars KEY=Value [KEY=Value ...]]

Diff the StackSet template to the local template

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --region REGION       The AWS region to use
  --profile PROFILE     The AWS profile to use
  --stack-set STACK-Set, -s STACK-Set
                        The Stack Set to use
                        Set the config files to use
  --parameters KEY=Value [KEY=Value ...]
                        Add one or multiple stack parameters
  --tags KEY=Value [KEY=Value ...]
                        Add one or multiple stack tags
  --vars KEY=Value [KEY=Value ...]
                        Add one or multiple Jinja2 variables
                        Add AWSAccounts, AWSSubAccounts, AWSMainAccount and
                        AWSRegions as Jinja variables with an Email, Id and
                        Name field for each account
                        Add AWSRegions as Jinja variables
                        Add AWSAccounts, AWSSubAccounts, and AWSMainAccount as
                        Jinja variables with an Email, Id, and Name field for
                        each account
                        Set MainAccount Parameter