formica stacks
Through the stack command you can get an overview over all the CloudFormation stacks that are in the region you specified.
root@07e549506145:/app# formica stacks
Current Stacks:
| Name | Created At | Updated At | Status |
| testuniquestack | 2017-02-16 17:10:05.424000+00:00 | | REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS |
| formica-example-stack | 2017-02-15 11:18:36.430000+00:00 | 2017-02-15 11:40:19.656000+00:00 | UPDATE_COMPLETE |
| formica-integration-test-user | 2017-02-10 13:13:24.004000+00:00 | 2017-02-10 15:54:39.394000+00:00 | UPDATE_COMPLETE |
| flomotlikme | 2017-01-13 16:12:18.300000+00:00 | 2017-02-15 23:03:01.626000+00:00 | UPDATE_COMPLETE |
usage: formica stacks [-h] [--region REGION] [--profile PROFILE]
[--config-file CONFIG_FILE [CONFIG_FILE ...]]
List all stacks
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--region REGION The AWS region to use
--profile PROFILE The AWS profile to use
Set the config files to use